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Type Alias: EngineConfig

EngineConfig: object

Config is used to define the memory footprint used by the engine, such as the command buffer size. Config can be used to customize engine requirements based on the applications needs.

.perRenderPassArenaSizeMB (default: 3 MiB) +--------------------------+ | | | .perFrameCommandsSizeMB | | (default 2 MiB) | | | +--------------------------+ | (froxel, etc...) | +--------------------------+

.commandBufferSizeMB (default 3MiB) +--------------------------+ | .minCommandBufferSizeMB | +--------------------------+ | .minCommandBufferSizeMB | +--------------------------+ | .minCommandBufferSizeMB | +--------------------------+ : : : :

Type declaration


optional commandBufferSizeMB: number

Size in MiB of the low-level command buffer arena.

Each new command buffer is allocated from here. If this buffer is too small the program might terminate or rendering errors might occur.

This is typically set to minCommandBufferSizeMB * 3, so that up to 3 frames can be batched-up at once.

This value affects the application's memory usage.


minCommandBufferSizeMB * 3


optional driverHandleArenaSizeMB: number

Size in MiB of the backend's handle arena.

Backends will fallback to slower heap-based allocations when running out of space and log this condition.

If 0, then the default value for the given platform is used

This value affects the application's memory usage.




optional jobSystemThreadCount: number

Number of threads to use in Engine's JobSystem.

Engine uses a utils::JobSystem to carry out paralleization of Engine workloads. This value sets the number of threads allocated for JobSystem. Configuring this value can be helpful in CPU-constrained environments where too many threads can cause contention of CPU and reduce performance.

The default value is 0, which implies that the Engine will use a heuristic to determine the number of threads to use.




optional minCommandBufferSizeMB: number

Minimum size in MiB of a low-level command buffer.

This is how much space is guaranteed to be available for low-level commands when a new buffer is allocated. If this is too small, the engine might have to stall to wait for more space to become available, this situation is logged.

This value does not affect the application's memory usage.




optional perFrameCommandsSizeMB: number

Size in MiB of the per-frame high level command buffer.

This buffer is related to the number of draw calls achievable within a frame, if it is too small, the program will abort on debug builds and have undefined behavior otherwise.

It is allocated from the 'per-render-pass arena' above. Make sure that at least 1 MiB is left in the per-render-pass arena when deciding the size of this buffer.

This value does not affect the application's memory usage.




optional perRenderPassArenaSizeMB: number

Size in MiB of the per-frame data arena.

This is the main arena used for allocations when preparing a frame. e.g.: Froxel data and high-level commands are allocated from this arena.

If this size is too small, the program will abort on debug builds and have undefined behavior otherwise.

This value affects the application's memory usage.




optional resourceAllocatorCacheMaxAge: number

This value determines for how many frames are texture entries kept in the cache.




optional textureUseAfterFreePoolSize: number

Number of most-recently destroyed textures to track for use-after-free.

This will cause the backend to throw an exception when a texture is freed but still bound to a SamplerGroup and used in a draw call. 0 disables completely.

Currently only respected by the Metal backend.



Defined in
